A visit from Down Under

Am 26.10.2016 bekam die Klasse 9a und ihre Lehrerin Frau Bürkle Besuch aus Australien. Da im Englischunterricht der 9.Klasse das landeskundliche Thema „Australien“ behandelt wird, war es eine tolle Chance etwas „first-hand information“ zu erhalten. Die Schülerinnen und Schüler schrieben einen kleinen Bericht über ihren Vormittag mit Amy. Hier ein paar Auszüge:


Unser Projekt:

„On October 26th 2016, two Australians, Amy and Hugo from Adelaide, visited our class. Hugo was 1 year old. Amy answered many of our questions and also told us general things about Australia.”

Rebekka, 9a

“Before her visit we thought about what we could tell her. Then we formed groups which then made a presentation on a topic. We introduced this topic to Amy. We also had the chance to ask her questions.”

Franziska, 9a


About Amy:

“She likes dancing, sports, shopping and her friends. Amy and her little son Hugo are from Australia and they came to our class. Amy is Australian, but she has lived in Germany for 3 years.”

Sassina, 9a

 “Adelaide, Amy’s hometown, is called the city of churches.”

Darius, 9a


Leben in Australien:

 “She said that life in Australia doesn’t differ that much from life in Germany.”

Rebekka 9a



“She told us about sports in Australia. They have sports like AFL, cricket or rowing. AFL is an Australian form of rugby. It is very popular. Amy doesn’t like cricket, she said it was boring. Amy did rowing when she lived in Australia.”

Nico, 9a



„Most people in Australia are Catholic. The Native Australians have ‚dreamtime‘. In Australia also live Muslims, Hindus or Jews.”

Tobias, 9a


Australische Teenager:

“Amy watched many movies as a teenager and hung out with friends at the beach with fish and chips or they went swimming. As a teenager she hated homework.”

Sassina, 9a



“At school they have English, Maths and other languages. In Australia they have primary school (age 6-12) and then High School (age 13 – 16). You can go to High School for two more years, but that’s voluntary.”

Ellen, 9a

“People learn more languages than Germans. Amy learned Japanese and Italian at school.”

Jil, 9a


Australische Tierwelt:

“Amy told us about Australian wildlife, which is very diverse. There are kangaroos, rabbits, hopping mice, oppossums, crocodiles, lots of insects, koalas, and snakes, sharks and spiders that Australia is known for. An interesting fact: Amy told us, that koalas look cute, but they are “evil”, because they are really aggressive and have very sharp claws.”

Rebekka, 9a



“This morning was the greatest morning of the week and we are thankful for Amy and Hugo’s visit.”

Hannah, 9a


“We have learned many new things about Australia. Hugo is a cute boy! We thank Amy and Hugo for their visit.”

Ellen, 9a"